Category: Government


Republican Party Top Priority video highlights their allegiance to party over people

Sabotage: The Story Behind The Republican Party’s “Top Political Priority” Ok let me preface the video first by saying that I am fully aware that anyone can edit footage or twist words to make them say or how what they want. My interest is not about propaganda or the silly spy vs spy game the two parties perpetually participate in. This video posted to YouTube, “Sabotage: The Story Behind The Republican Party’s “Top Political Priority””, caught my attention because it layed out what the Republican mindset has been during these recent times. If we can be honest and look at...

Will Senate Democrats protect Medicare and Medicaid? 0

Will Senate Democrats protect Medicare and Medicaid?

There is a petition going around to get Senate Democrats to commit to a position on cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. So far, many have been tight-lipped about their stance on the subject. This is one of the biggest problems with the Democrats. They are too weak to take a position. The Republican party and, their illegitimate child, the Tea Party, may be bat shit crazy but they have resolve. Tell your Senator to answer the question: “Will you support cuts to our Medicare or Medicaid benefits? Yes or no?” Earlier this month, we hand delivered a letter to the...

Bloomberg backs down on Occupy Wall Street “cleaning” eviction 0

Bloomberg backs down on Occupy Wall Street “cleaning” eviction

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, billionaire (roughly $18 billion) and 13th richest person in the United States, announced a few days ago that the Wall Street occupiers needed to leave for a few days so that the park could be “cleaned”. Brookfield Properties, the owner of the park, said the park had become unsanitary since the occupation began so it needed to be power washed. Ok, fair enough on the park needing to be cleaned. That many people in such a closed space will cause that to be necessary. However they apparently weren’t extending the fairness of assumption of...

NY’s Billionaire Mayor Bloomberg Says Occupy Wall Street Is Trying To Destroy Jobs 0

NY’s Billionaire Mayor Bloomberg Says Occupy Wall Street Is Trying To Destroy Jobs

Yes you read the title right. On his weekly radio show, Bloomberg said the Occupy Wall Street protests “aren’t productive” and not good for tourism. Wall Street is the pillar of the New York state economy, making up 13 percent of tax contributions. “The protests that are trying to destroy the jobs of working people in this city aren’t productive,” Bloomberg said. Michael Bloomberg is apparently clueless or just wants to ignore reality. The protesters are rallying against corruption in those jobs. What I’d like to ask the Mayor is how good is the greed and corruption in those industries...

Obama Utilizing Twitter To Have The People Push Republicans On The American Jobs Act 0

Obama Utilizing Twitter To Have The People Push Republicans On The American Jobs Act

President Obama said he was going to take the jobs bill to the public and he wasn’t kidding. launched a new service today called “Tweet for Jobs”. “A new tool to help you urge your Republican legislators to pass the American Jobs Act.” The tool locates your Republican representatives and shoots off a tweet to them urging them to get behind the bill. This is how you use modern technology and social networking to reach the people. I think Obama could have used this tool during the Debt Ceiling negotiations to help him avoid bending while the Republicans held...