Category: Government

Trump On Obamacare 3

Trump On Obamacare

So with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), more commonly known as Obamacare, being upheld in court the debate is going to escalate. Unfortunately so is misinformation, divisive vitriolic rhetoric, and many unfortunate insults; like the quote accompanying the image on Facebook that reads “the Donald………..calling Obama’s Trump card! or is he Just calling a Spade………..A SPADE???!!!!!”. Let me get this straight… We’re going to be “gifted” with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don’t, which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000...


Obama Uses Humor To Make A Point on Fallon

I’m sure we’ve all seen it by now, President Obama on the Jimmy Fallon show backed up by The Roots band as they Slow Jam the news. It’s been hailed by supporters of Obama and panned by his critics. Personally, I thought it was funny, entertaining, and informative. Before sitting down for a more formal interview, President Obama shocked the audience after appearing from behind stage curtains, ready to “slow jam” with Jimmy Fallon and his band (Philadelphia’s hip hop sensation The Roots). Obama sang then talked the lead role, while Fallon and The Rootsoffered back up, on the tune...

Supreme Court Unanimously Rules Police Need Warrants For GPS Tracking 0

Supreme Court Unanimously Rules Police Need Warrants For GPS Tracking

At last a bit of sanity. It seems that among the push for more intrusions into citizen privacy there may be a few roadblocks on the path to our Orwellian future. The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that law enforcement must obtain a warrant before placing GPS tracking on people’s vehicles. “We hold that the government’s installation of a GPS device on a target’s vehicle, and its use of that device to monitor the vehicle’s movements, constitutes a ‘search,’” Justice Antonin Scalia wrote. Now this may seem like a no-brainer decision but so does the question of corporate personhood. Although the...


National Defense Authorization Act: The End of America?

Wake up America!  You should all know by now about the The Feinstein Amendment 1031(e) .  At this point, the House and Senate have both passed their versions of the bill (H.R.1540 andS.1867), but they have disagreement on several provisions, including a provision opposed by the Obama Administration that would require the military to indefinitely detain terrorism suspects, including American citizens living in the U.S., without charge or trial. Contrary to popular perception, the Obama Administration is not strongly opposed to the provisions in the bills that would authorize indefinite military detentions for U.S. citizens. Here’s what the Administration had to say...


Jack Abramoff opens up to 60 Minutes about lobbyist and government corruption

Former powerful lobbyist Jack Abramoff sat down with 60 Minutes to explain how lobbyists and politicians butt rape democracy and the American people. The interview, “Jack Abramoff: The lobbyist’s playbook”, is disgusting on several levels. The least of which is 60 Minutes interviewer Lesley Stahl’s reactions that either show how completely oblivious she is or how bad she did in college theater with her weak attempt at overcoming disingenuous shock responses. Nothing Jack says here is all that surprising is it? I find it a poor excuse from those involved to say they didn’t think they were doing anything all that wrong. ” I was...