
COVID-19 is not the flu 0

COVID-19 is not the flu. Stop saying that it is.

Since December 31, 2019, the world has been inundated with a constant stream of information talking about the coronavirus a.k.a. COVID-19. Roughly 3 months in, there is still not an abundance of information about this new coronavirus strain, how it spreads, and how to contain it. There are however a few things that are certain. COVID-19 is not the flu. This is a very important fact that shouldn’t be overlooked or taken lightly.  Multiple tweets continue to surface comparing COVID-19 and influenza by either citing their lack of concern or by pointing out that more people die every year from...


Mandela Day Calls Us All To Action

10 years ago today the United Nations General Assembly declared Nelson Mandela’s birthday of July 18th to be “Nelson Mandela International Day”.  It is an international day to celebrate, honor, and recognize the life, the legacy, the ideals, and the struggle of the former South African president.  Nelson Mandela’s  long and arduous journey from political prisoner of South Africa’s apartheid government to becoming that same nations president is an invaluable example of perseverance and hope in the face of unimaginable opposition. Mandela Day is a day to actively participate in the benevolent goal of making society and the world a...

Button Nuclear War Red Trigger Finger Press War 0

What Should We Think About The Trump Administration’s Approval and Cancellation of Iran Strike?

Image credit to The New York Times reported that the Trump administration had approved of military strikes against Iran. Then, while planes were in the air and ships were in position, called off the attacks. Supposedly the attacks were to be retaliatory strikes for the shooting of a United States unmanned Global Hawk surveillance drone by Iran. The operation was underway in its early stages when it was called off, a senior administration official said. Planes were in the air and ships were in position, but no missiles had been fired when word came to stand down, the official...

You"ve been blocked on social media 0

Can your government representative block you on social media?

Can your government representative block you on social media? Many have been asking this question. My councilman has blocked me and others with dissenting views. In today’s world, this is a very important legal inquiry. The First Amendment rights of both members of the public and the official are implicated. Courts are recognizing that social media is now the most important platform for political speech. An elected official’s page is often the primary avenue to interface with our government. If the page is an official’s public one, it is more easily seen as the government restricting rights. If it is...

Best Podcast Ever 0

Best Podcast Ever – Internet Free Speech

Should Facebook be considered a quasi-public space? Mike Scala and Jaylon Carter discuss the extent to which free speech should apply on ubiquitous Web sites and consider how our understanding of constitutional rights may change in today’s social media dominated world. Listen and subscribe on iTunes | | Spreaker