Category: Current Events

Bloomberg backs down on Occupy Wall Street “cleaning” eviction 0

Bloomberg backs down on Occupy Wall Street “cleaning” eviction

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, billionaire (roughly $18 billion) and 13th richest person in the United States, announced a few days ago that the Wall Street occupiers needed to leave for a few days so that the park could be “cleaned”. Brookfield Properties, the owner of the park, said the park had become unsanitary since the occupation began so it needed to be power washed. Ok, fair enough on the park needing to be cleaned. That many people in such a closed space will cause that to be necessary. However they apparently weren’t extending the fairness of assumption of...


Jon Stewart, MSNBC and an Online Petition Take Aim At Pepper Spraying Cop Anthony Bologna

Update: Pepper Spray happy NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna Is punished…not really NYPD Police Officer Anthony Bologna most recently known for pepper spraying corralled female protestors during the ongoing Occupy Wall Street demonstration isn’t new to the type of behavior he displayed on September 24th. Apparently this is par for the course for Tony Baloney. At the 2004 Republican Convention, Bologna was again cited for unnecessary force, and stands accused of false arrest and civil rights violations in a claim filed in 2007. The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart parodies Officer Bologna and makes a point to say that wasn’t appropriate...


Dr. Cornel West At Occupy Wall Street Protest “The elite will tremble in their boots.”

Dr. Cornel West, Princeton University professor and activist, showed up at the Occupy Wall Street protest and spoke to the crowd joining the likes of Immortal Technique and Michael Moore among others. He makes the point here that unity is key. “When you bring folks together, all colors, all cultures, all genders, all sexual orientations, the elite will tremble in their boots.” True indeed as long as those people persevere and stay united. Time will slowly wear on supporters and with these protests largely going ignored by those elite it will take more of it to get their serious attention....

Occupy Wall Street Begins To Democratically Form The List Of Demands; Opens Voting 0

Occupy Wall Street Begins To Democratically Form The List Of Demands; Opens Voting

Up until now the so far 10 day strong Occupy Wall Street has somewhat been directionless to a degree as no specific demands were voiced. Even some participants started to ask what it was they were demonstrating for specifically. The operating direction thus far has been to occupy and that demands would follow later. Welcome to later. is playing host to the official directive for creating the demands. Suggestions are being taken from the people for inclusion in the list to be voted on by all. At the moment there are 22 items being voted on. Leading the way...


Michael Moore Lends Support To Occupy Wall Street With Speech And Piers Morgan Visit

Documentary filmmaker and activist Michael Moore made a visit to the Occupy Wall Street protest site in New York City. Moore gave a 10 minute long speech to the crowd encouraging their efforts. The filmmaker was visibly giddy when saying expressing his happiness to be there. “I have spent over 20 years fighting Wall Street, General Motors, health insurance companies, the whole lot of them. A lot of that has been alone or with just a very few people. It warms my heart to see all of you here.” – Michael Moore Indeed, Moore spoke to that end in the...