Category: Assault On America

Will Senate Democrats protect Medicare and Medicaid? 0

Will Senate Democrats protect Medicare and Medicaid?

There is a petition going around to get Senate Democrats to commit to a position on cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. So far, many have been tight-lipped about their stance on the subject. This is one of the biggest problems with the Democrats. They are too weak to take a position. The Republican party and, their illegitimate child, the Tea Party, may be bat shit crazy but they have resolve. Tell your Senator to answer the question: “Will you support cuts to our Medicare or Medicaid benefits? Yes or no?” Earlier this month, we hand delivered a letter to the...

Pepper Spray happy NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna Is punished…not really 0

Pepper Spray happy NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna Is punished…not really

So it seems MSNBC’s “The Last Word” host Lawrence O’donnell may have a future as a psychic. Weeks ago in a commentary about Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna’s pepper spray assault of corralled and surrounded unarmed young females during an Occupy Wall Street demonstration, O’donnel said that basically he would most likely get away with it. Good news for MSNBC you have a multi-talented host on the payroll (how’d he do that?). Bad news for the public at large and justice, Anthony Bologna, even though the public wanted him to lose his $154,300 a year job and or be arrested, was barely reprimanded....

NY’s Billionaire Mayor Bloomberg Says Occupy Wall Street Is Trying To Destroy Jobs 0

NY’s Billionaire Mayor Bloomberg Says Occupy Wall Street Is Trying To Destroy Jobs

Yes you read the title right. On his weekly radio show, Bloomberg said the Occupy Wall Street protests “aren’t productive” and not good for tourism. Wall Street is the pillar of the New York state economy, making up 13 percent of tax contributions. “The protests that are trying to destroy the jobs of working people in this city aren’t productive,” Bloomberg said. Michael Bloomberg is apparently clueless or just wants to ignore reality. The protesters are rallying against corruption in those jobs. What I’d like to ask the Mayor is how good is the greed and corruption in those industries...


Jon Stewart, MSNBC and an Online Petition Take Aim At Pepper Spraying Cop Anthony Bologna

Update: Pepper Spray happy NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna Is punished…not really NYPD Police Officer Anthony Bologna most recently known for pepper spraying corralled female protestors during the ongoing Occupy Wall Street demonstration isn’t new to the type of behavior he displayed on September 24th. Apparently this is par for the course for Tony Baloney. At the 2004 Republican Convention, Bologna was again cited for unnecessary force, and stands accused of false arrest and civil rights violations in a claim filed in 2007. The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart parodies Officer Bologna and makes a point to say that wasn’t appropriate...

Is #OccupyWallStreet Purposefully Being Blocked From Trending On Twitter 1

Is #OccupyWallStreet Purposefully Being Blocked From Trending On Twitter

Much has been said about the lack of coverage of the now 10 day strong Occupy Wall Street protest in the main stream media. Those protests have begun to spread to other cities such as Boston, Chicago and Atlanta and continue to make plans to spread further. The live feed from Global Revolution from NYC’s Liberty Square keeps a constant viewership of between 3,000-5000 people around the clock. People like Michael Moore, Immortal Technique, Lupe Fiasco and Roseanne Barr have made appearances at the protest. There have been few bits of coverage from local media outlets, websites and Al-Jazeera. So...