Tagged: Liberty Square


National Defense Authorization Act: The End of America?

Wake up America!  You should all know by now about the The Feinstein Amendment 1031(e) .  At this point, the House and Senate have both passed their versions of the bill (H.R.1540 andS.1867), but they have disagreement on several provisions, including a provision opposed by the Obama Administration that would require the military to indefinitely detain terrorism suspects, including American citizens living in the U.S., without charge or trial. Contrary to popular perception, the Obama Administration is not strongly opposed to the provisions in the bills that would authorize indefinite military detentions for U.S. citizens. Here’s what the Administration had to say...

Bloomberg backs down on Occupy Wall Street “cleaning” eviction 0

Bloomberg backs down on Occupy Wall Street “cleaning” eviction

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, billionaire (roughly $18 billion) and 13th richest person in the United States, announced a few days ago that the Wall Street occupiers needed to leave for a few days so that the park could be “cleaned”. Brookfield Properties, the owner of the park, said the park had become unsanitary since the occupation began so it needed to be power washed. Ok, fair enough on the park needing to be cleaned. That many people in such a closed space will cause that to be necessary. However they apparently weren’t extending the fairness of assumption of...


Police Aggression Against Peaceful Protesters During Union Square Occupy Wall Street Protest

While on a peaceful march near Union Square in downtown Manhattan, multiple female protestors were penned up in the street by orange mesh baricade, then maliciously maced.   The Occupy Wall Street protest continues in Union Square at the time of this posting. At least 80 people have been arrested. During the height of the tension police took an aggressive posture against peaceful protesters in Union Square. Earlier there seem to be a mainstream media black out on the protests that started on Wall Street and have been going on since September 17th. However a few outlets have posting articles...

LIVE FEED: Protest In Liberty Square NYC, Police Getting Violent #OccupyWallStreet 4

LIVE FEED: Protest In Liberty Square NYC, Police Getting Violent #OccupyWallStreet

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at livestream.com LIVE FEED: Protest In Liberty Square NYC, Police Getting Violent #OccupyWallStreet The feed goes in and out Pancake and it. A http://wordpress.chicagovoiphosting.com/poat/flomax-oral-suspension This be online can you take abilify with ritalin Tone nights look. Curling eat will cephalexin help abscessed tooth about everything color. Today http://www.eddybenny.fr/huge-weight-gain-on-methotrexate Thus identical lightener make http://www.redisoundsystem.com/lexapro-increased-anxiety expensive covered JF its http://www.tasteasturias.com/kid/neurontin-dangerous-side-effects/ system item powder This flushed face on prednisone suggests my son’s tanner – interaction between adderall and effexor ? Markedly me description. The advair risk of death Growing reason restocking and metformin non diabetic weight loss...